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Back up and running at last - at least the boat is!!!

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 10:49 am
by 73miss
Time for an update on the new toy.

To recap - had the thing on the water for no more than an hour or so before a blown head gasket was diagnosed. Towed back to base and ended the day with a car full of boat bits. This is odd because it should be a boat full of car bits.
As Dave has mentioned in another post there are so many MK2 Cortina bits in the boat (including a handbrake!! - eat you heart out Dave) that we may have to rename her "Deltina"

Dave (Yogibear) arranged to come over and help me rebuild the beast yesterday. Thought I would be prepared and get everything layed out and cleaned up in preparation and managed to twist my back whilst lifting the head out onto the bench. Imagine the sound of somebody popping bubble wrap and that gives an indication of the noises my old (and slightly abused) back made. Enter Dave and Hannah to see a portly hunchback leaning against the boat for support. Much giggling ensued.

More raucous laughter occurred when a passer by stopped to ask whether this was the same Red Delta he had seen being towed across the Broad the previous weekend. Aren`t the general public great!!!

I tried my best to help but had to rely on the kindness of others to do all the hard work. With the help of tea, coffee, cakes and pies the job was done, the engine sounded sweet and the sun was still out. Some fool then suggested we should go for a test run. Even with a bad back, I felt confident that a couple of boxes of Ibuprofen would sort me out and we made our way down to Oulton Broad.

Now, obviously Oulton Broad and the surrounding bits have a strict 6mph limit so we couldnt break the law could we? Had we been able to however, I am convinced that she would have behaved impeccably, accelerating quickly to planing speed and riding beautifully. Likewise I am convinced that had we been able to open her up the top speed would have been quite impressive - even three up!! :wot:

What I may have been slightly concerned about would have been its inability to turn quickly whilst punching into a brisk headwind. I feel that full throttle turns with the nose kept high by said wind may have caused a couple of "nipping" moments as the beast carried on straight even though the wheel was at full lock. :shock:
Only having a hand throttle and having to steer with one hand probably didnt help. Lock to lock is not that impressive!

All in all a very successful test only marred by the fact that as we returned home at tickover we not only got soaked due to the choppy waters but were overtaken by two chaps in a double kayak. Oh the embarrassment :oops:

In hindsight however the combination of a bad back and choppy water do not make good bed fellows. Spent most of this morning crawling around on the floor being laughed at by the family. No chance of any sympathy from my lovely wife - "Its your own fault - self inflicted injuries dont get special treatment" Even had to ask one of the kids to reach the Ibuprofen as their poor old dad couldnt reach the high cupboards.

Anyway - huge thanks to Dave and Hannah for getting me back on the water. I managed to turn what was a relatively simple job into a struggle for all concerned. A more patient chap than Dave you would be hard pushed to find.
