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The River Soar 26/27/28th June 2009

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 10:22 pm
by bigminiandy
Who else is going? I had my confirmation come back to me in the post today.

I know it's 2 1/2 months away but I haven't been to any CMBA events yet and I'm really excited.

I'm aware the event was only started last year but does anybody know the general format of the weekend. Does it start Friday evening or can we turn up/launch early.

Re: The River Soar 26/27/28th June 2009

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 12:27 pm
by Alacrity
I am planning on going but as yet haven't contacted the organisers so you are ahead of me (& most others I suspect!), good to know you are keen! :) I myself didn't make it to the inaugural run last year so am not sure of the form but I would think a Friday arrival would be OK, that is what I would plan on doing (I have 200 odd miles to drive to get there). I would suggest you contact Tim or Eileen for more info, I guess you must have their number if not PM me & I will send it you.

Geoff (events coordinator)

Re: The River Soar 26/27/28th June 2009

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 6:54 pm
by twister
Last year it was quite OK to arrive on Friday, I guess launching would be subject to permission though if the moorings are ready. You'll need to have your insurance cert with you and pay for a water licence, which Eileen organised last year very efficiently.

It's a great venue at which we were made very welcome. The river of course has a speed limit, so we have to take care - and the locks have weirs close by which look a bit intimidating for little boats! You'll need good fenders and ropes for the locks etc, it's no good arriving with little bits of string!

And - to cap it all - there's a very good pub next door that serves good food and beer.

Re: The River Soar 26/27/28th June 2009

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 12:29 am
by bigminiandy
I went out for a ride on my motorbike on sunday and decided to pop up to east midland boat services where it's being held. I expected just to peer though a set of gates and see a load of boats moored up but no this wasn't the case. Frank (the owner) was soaking up the sun and tinkering with an old radio. I'd never met him before but as soon as i mentioned the CMBA he welcomed me with open arms. While his wife put the kettle on he gave me the grand tour.

He showed me round his fenn and wood. He also has a Poncette (i don't think thats spelt right at all) in the work shop that hes done some work on for a member called William I think he name was. That looked fantastic fun! if not a little too fast for the river though.

What a host. Brilliant.
Fingers Crossed on the Weather forecast.

Re: The River Soar 26/27/28th June 2009

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 9:52 pm
by puddleduck
I saw Frank and June on Tuesday at Keith & Merle's house - 22 boats entered so far! The River Soar Boat Club are really looking forward to welcoming us again, they are a very friendly bunch with a great clubhouse, should be good fun. Let's hope it's not monsoon season again!

Re: The River Soar 26/27/28th June 2009

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 7:14 pm
by Howstar
Just come back from this trip 15 boats in total the star of the show i think was 1958 owens speed boat i sure some one will posta picture, i think few others will say diferent was there`s

Re: The River Soar 26/27/28th June 2009

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 11:34 pm
by bigminiandy
Fantastic weekend.

Wasn't sure what to expect (being my first CMBA meeting) when i set off from home Friday morning but was instantly assured that this was my sort of event when I pulled through the gates at willow moorings. I was greeted by Tim (glass of wine in hand) who encouraged launching at the earliest opportunity and a making the most of the dry whether - so i did. Was a great cruise up to the River Soar Boat Club and a brilliant experience to do so with so many other classics.

Packed up the camping gear this morning and set off down stream at about half 12 and ended up on the river Trent at The Lock Public House around 2 1/2 hours later. Received lots of looks and comments all the way down there and all the the way back not just about 'Shameless' but also who CMBA are. Whats better is she purred like a dream.

What more can I say other than thanks to all those who organised it.

Favorite boat of the event - Couldn't say they all looked brilliant. Best sound goes to Tim's 'Hotsy Totsy' (BIG V8 Grumble)

Re: The River Soar 26/27/28th June 2009

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 10:54 am
by Alacrity
Great, relaxing weekend. Frank's hospitality was superb, you really were made to feel genuinely very welcome both by him & his boat dwelling tenants. Tim & Eileen's organisation meant that it all went like clockwork (off the water at least - it's out of their hands on the water!) & the organised Saturday night BBQ was superb. Good company all round & I met a few members that I had heard of but never met which is always nice. As Twister mentioned in his earlier post the River Soar Boat Club could not have been more welcoming - even providing food for us at no cost to ourselves. Apart from a minor shower on Saturday afternoon - which provided welcome relief from the humid heat, the weather was good to fantastic all weekend. One or two breakdowns (not just limited to CMBA boats!) none of which were of a serious nature which is always good news.

Roll on 2010 :D :D - & let's hope for clearer roads, 4 1/2hrs each way to travel a 400 mile round trip is a bit frustrating :x :x .

Re: The River Soar 26/27/28th June 2009

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 4:00 pm
by Scandal
Another happy boating event. :D I think the way it's organised makes it all so laid back and hassle free but thats because the organisers and helpers put in so much work to make the meeting such a success. Thanks, :thumbsup: we really enjoyed it and feel the benefit of a bit of boating and a lot of relaxing in good company. :perfect:

Al :wot:

Re: The River Soar 26/27/28th June 2009

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 10:59 pm
by carl minshall
very enjoyable weekend of boating and meeting members, great barbecue on the saturday evening. thanks :wot: