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Insurance question

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2020 11:50 am
by ljwatson
Does the boat owner have to be the insurance policy holder. My boat is in my partners name but I am the insurance policy holder... just thought this could make it invalid. I have emailed the company just thought I would ask here as they are closed at weekends... am new to all of this

Re: Insurance question

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2020 9:27 am
by kgarla
Good Morning, Harking back to my Insurance days in the 1980's the general rule was you cannot insure something you do not have an 'interest' in. So I could not insure the Crown Jewels and claim if they were stolen........But like all Rules there may be exemptions. Simple answer is clear it with your Insurance Company, it should be straight forward. Cheers Kgarla :wot: