Insurance, that old chestnut again!

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Insurance, that old chestnut again!

Post by assegai »

It's renewal time again, and boy has it gone up again! This time I am not prepared to pay the extortionant £160 they are asking, thats twice what I pay for my sports car with about 100th of the risk. I recall last year a thread concerning insurance and I belive it was Cowsail who had found a cheap insurance which just gave the required third party cover, can any one enlarge on this. :x

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Re: Insurance, that old chestnut again!

Post by Alacrity »

Have you tried Twisters people (locked topic at the top of the page)? Also have you haggled with them? Healey75 got a significant reduction last year by ringing them up & complaining. I am assuming you are using GJW.
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Re: Insurance, that old chestnut again!

Post by petrolhead »

I am haggling over my renewal at GJW too and it has not come down much yet. I agree it is stupid money.

Our cruiser is with the same crowd (best qoute each year) and I beat it down every year after I get an online quote from them for less!! however the sum assured is 8-10 times as much, it see's considerably more hours use but is costing only about 40% more than the speedboats which are lucky to see 6 outings between them.

I also have classic cars with siginficantly more sum assured, fair mileage allowance (at 30mph would be 100 hours driving for 3000 miles) costing near half this policy. Road risk and claims I believe are far higher than marine too.

I too am at a point of despair.........seriously considered packing it up altogether. Just another spiralling cost we don't need to include in hte cost of living.

How many people are up for renewal? can we get together and hit them as one, also going to competitor as one?

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Re: Insurance, that old chestnut again!

Post by Rapier »

Mine's due for renewal in May, whilst my collection of boats are not precious, to replace them will be expensive and time-consuming, despite any payout. The option exists to go for 3rd party, but there are thieving fingers out there and we all know what the cost of decent engines, trailers, wheels and ancillaries is. And bearing in mind my cruising grounds seem to be filled with people who know nothing about navigating the river, the likelihood of an 'incident' with an expensive floating collection of rope and sackcloth, is high.
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Re: Insurance, that old chestnut again!

Post by Healey75 »

My insurance is up in May to :grrr:
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Re: Insurance, that old chestnut again!

Post by Simonp »

As mentioned in my previous thread on insurance - I complained to GJW and the premium price came tumbling down from £235 to £165 in a couple of minutes. This is a CMBA rate - must mention you are in the CMBA and they said they had reduced rates for us.

If you go third party you can now get this for £70/80 on Rod's scheme.

Can't see we are going to make further progress on these lower rates - although compared with classic car premiums I think these are still high.

Simmonds fitted from new with what, I believe, is the only running factory marinised Daimler 2.5 litre V8 (as fitted to the Daimler SP 250) in the UK. Please let me know if you find another! Believed to be Norman Buckley's race boat.

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Re: Insurance, that old chestnut again!

Post by assegai »

Yes I'm with GJW. I am going to speak to them tomorrow when I have a bit more time. The present quote is £167!! up from 140 last year. I am sure that they think because you have a boat you must have deep pockets.

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Re: Insurance, that old chestnut again!

Post by assegai »

OK, spoke to JGW today had a grizzle about rising costs etc.
Couple of interesting things. First I was told that discounts are paid as commission to the participating club, do we get anything? if we do, it's the first I've heard about it. Secondly, and more importantly after mentioning other insurers they said "Oh we have just had some new rates for classic boats", and promptly reduced my premium by £35! Still a lot, but I will go with it for another year. You were right, pays to have a moan. :woo:

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Re: Insurance, that old chestnut again!

Post by Alacrity »

discounts are paid as commission to the participating club
?? News to me, I will pass this on to DK & see if he knows anything about it.

I meant to say before - & its too late for Assegai (sorry Andy), that Sarah Davies is our contact there, the Captain, Puddleduck & I had a good chat with her at the boat show in Jan.
Mercs are like women, no 2 are exactly alike. That's what testing is about. In general it is safer to test motors and props than women!

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