Pitsea Museum

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Pitsea Museum

Post by Editor »

Right, I have become tired of no interest in the above's fate, so I have e-mailed Basildon Council with a warning that I am a bulldog where the subject is concerned and asking for real info, not the fobbing off type of bland reply like the "Friends" have given.
I have also sent a similar mail to someone called Penrose who is responsible in the Condem government for "heritage".

Gawd help either of them if they try to fob me off!

This subject HAS to be sorted out for good.


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Re: Pitsea Museum

Post by twister »

I wish you well - but I think you may be a bit too late!

When I was at the museum a few weeks back to pick up Ian II, the place looked like a bomb had hit it, odd exhibits scattered around waiting to be repatriated, just a mess. In contrast, it looked like a whole lot of the Council's cash had been spent on the visitor centre down the road (which seemed to be a posh place to sell ice cream) and on a new entrance gateway with nice paved apron. Political Correctness Rules.

I guess the collection, which was hugely important because of all the related boats gathered together under one roof, will never be formed again.

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Re: Pitsea Museum

Post by Simonp »


I am sure you are right - I visited Falmouth recently and while it is spaceous and modern - I found it a typical museum for the general public and not the hardened boat enthusiast. Trouble with Pitsea was largely its location I think.

Think we need to get behind any other suitable museum but don't think there are any. Like Classic Car museums - they seem to have a limited lifespan. The most amazing boat musem I have visited to date was at ?Peanello on Lake Como and that has a huge number of boats but all closed up.

I gather the Steamboat Museum is not exactly progressing either at present - had a long chat with Paul Senior at Cardiff.

SimonP :(
Simmonds fitted from new with what, I believe, is the only running factory marinised Daimler 2.5 litre V8 (as fitted to the Daimler SP 250) in the UK. Please let me know if you find another! Believed to be Norman Buckley's race boat.

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Re: Pitsea Museum

Post by Editor »

Well, I had a very quick reply to my mail to Basildon, from a Julie Graham, who reckons she's been at the Museum for 20 years. It is she who has been charged with the repatriation (strange word) of all the exhibits.
It was the letter I expected, but I can have some sympathy with her position. She was less specific as to where the Library will go or whether the smaller collections have been correctly returned to their owners. I did warn her I would be a bulldog till I was satisfied by any answers I received.
I have since received an auto e-mail informing me that so-and-so is out of the office till whenever. He will hear from me.

We are all too late to save the museum, but it is for all of us who ever used the place to keep "them" on their toes as to where everything goes and, ultimately, to tell us.

The politician has promised an answer within 20 days!


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