Does anyone have any idea as to the provenance of this small wooden boat?

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Does anyone have any idea as to the provenance of this small wooden boat?

Post by FordAnglia »

We have here in a shed a small wooden boat.

At some time in the past twenty years or more, it was brought over from the UK on a trailer. Parts of that trailer were manufactured by B & B Trailers, Leamington Spa. That company was taken over in 1960. On the back of the trailer is a pre-1967 AA badge. There is no indication on the boat itself as to its maker. It was seen apparently abandoned in a garden in Brittany, by a neighbour who traced the owner and bought it. He installed seating made of garden-centre decking and the boat was used on the Canal de Nantes a Brest, and in the Golf de Morbihan. It leaked so much that the then owner decided to get rid of it. I liked it so I bought it, removed the decking seating and repaired the holes in the hull and did sundry other repairs - it was a good winter project.
I now have to decide what to do with it. The trailer is not legal in France, and the bureaucratic steps to make it so are challenging, yet it is part of the boat. Does anyone have any idea as to the boats builder and when it might have been made? Is there interest in this type of boat - it is not I think of the finest quality and I suspect was aimed at the bottom of the runabout/launch market. The speedo, manufactured by O.S Marine, goes up to 50 mph, which would if achieved have been quite something if the boat survived it. It was last used with a Johnson outboard, which I did not acquire.
Much of the boat is of marine ply. But I have no real experience of this type of boat.

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Re: Does anyone have any idea as to the provenance of this small wooden boat?

Post by Rapier »

Welcome! It's a Landamore. A chap and his young son bought one of my motors a few years ago, the son owned the boat. Here is a more recent post and a pic from my archive. Unable to tell you more though. ... more#p3696
Landamore Miss Michief.png
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Re: Does anyone have any idea as to the provenance of this small wooden boat?

Post by FordAnglia »

Thank you very much for that. Landamores have confirmed that it is a Miss Mischief; they built about 45 of them in the 1950s and 60s, and they were aware of two still in existence. Now three. Does any member have one? The original seating in mine was removed. I have a copy of the original advert with specification but more detail would be really helpful.

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