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Restoration of a Fenn and Wood Meteor 2

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 6:31 pm
by Rifpilchard
Dear All

I am new to the site and am looking to start on the renovation of my very sad looking Fenn and woods Meteor Mk2, unfortunately it has been left in sheds and trailer-ed from house to house left in fields and generally abused over the past twenty years.

This year it is going to be its year of glory when it will rise from the ashes to be reborn and I can get it back to its original state all bright shinny and new looking, well over the next few years anyway. I would appreciate any advice or information anyone might have regarding this boat as I went down to the boat museum (Enfield) about ten or so years ago and they had one there and were very helpful but they only had very limited information. I have now found a heat ex changer for it although it is not the original unit but it would do at a pinch. the main issue was the windscreen as the guy who owned it before me broke the screen and chucked the frame away. I would be really pleased to hear from someone who has one for sale. I am not sure this information is correct I was told that the original windscreen was the rear windscreen from a Vauxhall Veloc which are probably a harder thing to fined than the Meteor one.

Any way thanks to any one who is reading this an taking an interest and hopefully some one can help me out.

Best regards

Jon Pearce

Re: Restoration of a Fenn and Wood Meteor 2

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 8:36 pm
by bigminiandy
Hi there. Welcome to the forum. I'm a fellow F&W owner ive got a mk1 which is complete and a mk2 which has had a similar past to yours. She's now half way through a restoration. I'm sure you'll be aware these boats are fairly rare and well worth restoring.

What we really need are some photo!!!

Fenn and Wood Meteor MK2 & LM

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 9:02 pm
by Rifpilchard
Thanks for your welcoming email

I will need to get it out of the shed this week end and get some photos put up for people to see, it won't be a pretty site though. The boat is reasonably complete apart from the wind screen. I have managed to get hold of a replacement engine block as the original had some hair line cracks where I think the frost has got to it. I am looking forward to getting it back to good condition because they truly are a good looking boat. I think the original owners have added a number of extra dials as there seems to be a lot more than pictured on some of the restored boats I have seen. I have the original throttle control but the steering wheel has been changed for a non original I suspect.

Is your boat the one pictured on the site photos I have seen. how long have you owned yours

Re: Restoration of a Fenn and Wood Meteor 2

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 10:50 pm
by bigminiandy
If you click the link at the bottom of my last post it'll take you through to my photos. Mine also has more than enough gauges. I presume your boat still has a 1703cc ford consul engine that was originally fitted to these. They are prone to frost damage and quite often crack, they're are normally raw water cooler rather than a heat exchange but I always found the engine in my mk1 to run very cold so I managed to squeeze a heat exchanger in and now it's temperature is perfect.

Re: Restoration of a Fenn and Wood Meteor 2

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 11:02 pm
by Rifpilchard
Yep Mines in a similar state to yours when you first started. I have had a brief look at some of your pictures and your seems to be shaping up nicely, I wondered where you got the steering wheel re finished mine is totally different and I am sure it is the wrong one. You are correct the engine is the 1703cc Ford consul with a TMP gear box (Not looking forward to opening this as it has been dormant for years and all the seals will be shot I imagine. Also you are right that the water uptake is via a vent in the bottom of the boat and I am sure it will be difficult to control the operating temperature to a regular 80-90°. When I have a bit more time I will have a proper look through your photos Thanks.

Re: Restoration of a Fenn and Wood Meteor 2

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2014 1:16 am
by martint1001
Hi, I got a Meteor 2 that I been working on for a year or two. Vauxhall Velox rear screen could be right coz I tried a front one which was close but too straight along the bottom. I got that quite easily (ebay) so back one shouldn't be difficult. I still not nailled it down and my boat is nearly ready to go so I might have to have one made. Someone said the guys who make windows for race cars might be of help cos they use plexiglass. M.

Re: Restoration of a Fenn and Wood Meteor 2

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2014 1:24 am
by martint1001
Hey Bigmini, We spoke a while ago when I first got this boat, it was a wreck. Can you tell me what hand thread is on the output shaft from the back of the gearbox, left or right? I see from the pics you got yours off. My flexible coupling is stuffed and I found one off a Land Rover Discovery is pretty close but holes will need plugging and re- drilling, but I cant get the drive flange off.
Also where did you get that decal that sits on middle of your steering wheel? Cheers. M.