Old chestnut-insurance

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Old chestnut-insurance

Post by assegai »

Hi all, great day at Ivy Lake.
Just had my insurance renewal, £151.50!!!!!!!! got be having a laugh :hilarious: , with £150 excess. Thats GJW :pirate: . no way am I paying that. Ive gone to the club insurance basic third party £71.77 :thumbsup: . How do the rest of you feel about this. How can my boat insurance be £40 more that my 250bhp sports car? which must be a greater risk even only doing 2000 miles a year. Can any one explain it :grrr: ?

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Re: Old chestnut-insurance

Post by floater »

I had the same problem with GJW last year, the renewal came through and at first glance I thought I was being asked to pay off the Greek national debt. However I phoned GJW explained my suprise and managed to get a fair chunk knocked off with no change in cover, She also commented that other CMBA members had also been in touch.

My advise therefore is phone them and haggle, it worked for me :thumbsup: Although by rights you should'nt need to it seems to be the norm these days.

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Re: Old chestnut-insurance

Post by petrolhead »

we haggle every year, I agree its a rip off! We insure our cruiser as it happens with GJW too and every year I go online, get the cheapest quote on searches which invariably is GJW! then phone them up and rant about my renewal which is more despite being with them 10 years or more! haha :hilarious:

The nice lady goes off to the underwriter and comes back saying it is reduced.

Lynn gets lots off our AA every year too by complaining........once she was told, "because you have now asked for a better price and said you will take the business we can offer you better terms" it was made very clear if you don't ask you don't get and the telephone operator has a strict set of things the customer needs to say BEFORE they reduce prices. :pirate: :pirate: :pirate: :pirate: :pirate:

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